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During the portfolio unit, I had a clear goal in mind: to finesse my animation timing and explore the intricate world of stop-motion, all in preparation for my Final Major Project (FMP). My approach was to divide my time equally between both animation styles, believing that striking this balance would yield the best outcomes. However, as the unit unfolded, I found myself grappling with the challenge of juggling two distinct mediums simultaneously.


Looking back, I realize that attempting to master both animation techniques at once may have actually hindered my progress rather than aiding it. While I did gain valuable experience in both mediums, splitting my focus ended up diluting the depth of my exploration in either one. This hindsight serves as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing and maintaining focus in the creative process.


Moving forward, my focus is on further improving my animation skills. I intend to concentrate my efforts on one medium at a time, aiming to develop a deeper understanding and proficiency in the craft. Additionally, I plan to revisit and enhance my showreel, incorporating the lessons learned and progress made during this unit.


Despite the challenges I faced and the adjustments needed in my approach, I view the portfolio unit as a success. It provided me with valuable insights into my strengths and areas for improvement.

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